Black and White French Bulldog – all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost | Black and White Frenchie

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Black and White French Bulldog – all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost or Black and White Frenchie

Black and White French Bulldog – all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost : Black and White French Bulldog is one of the popular dog in USA, UK, Canada and other part of the World also. This popular dogs have sleek and shiny coat with combination of Black and White.

The maximum pet owner are like this playful and gently nature of this Black and White French Bulldog.

Hi, this is Anup in this article I will discuss of the most beautiful and famous and cutie French bulldog ‘Black and White French Bulldog’ . If you want to know all the information of Black and White French Bulldog, then it is the write article , I will explain all the information of Black and White French Bulldog one by one.

The main reason of the for famous of this Black and White French Bulldog is good color combination and quick adaptability in any location. This changes in color of dog breed can be caused by genetic factors and selective breeding. Breeders who focus on producing specific coat colors often engage in careful pairing of dogs with desired traits to achieve those colors in their litters. They do this job with sound technology.

Black and White French Bulldog : Summary (in short note )

NamesBlack and White French Bulldog
Others Name Black and White Frenchie
History Purebred
PurposeCompanion dog
AKC RecognitionYes
Weight55 – 110 pounds
Height15-25 inches 
ColorsGray, Black, White, Tan
Child Friendliness natureHigh than other
Lifespan8 – 12 years Maximum
Canine Friendliness natureHigh than other
Training DifficultyMedium
Grooming UpkeepMedium
HealthLow – Moderate 
Platinum Frenchie Costs $2,000 to $3000
Black and White French Bulldog - all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost Black and White Frenchie

What is Black and White French Bulldog?

Black and White French Bulldog is one of the high demand bulldogs. Color combination is Black and White.

The Black and White French Bulldog mainly come with black coat with white markings on their chest, paws, and sometimes their face. But many cases it’s come with white coat with black patches.

The Black and White French Bulldog famous for his compact size, adorable “bat ears,” and friendly personalities.

How to identify The Black and White French Bulldog

To identifying a Black and White French Bulldog is primarily based on their coat color , marking and size.

In below I am giving few points , if you follow this points , you should easily identify this Black and White French Bulldog

Coat Color: This type of Bulldogs comes with black primary color coat, like solid black base color on most of the body, including the back, sides, and legs.

White Markings: A Black white French Bulldog will have recognizable white patterns on its coat. These white spots can be found on particular body parts such the chest, abdomen, paws, and occasionally the face. White can appear in different amounts and patterns, from a little patch on the chest to bigger regions that cover a sizable percentage of the body.

Face Markings: Many cases we observe the muzzle and part of the head are black color and rest of body part is white. And it is beautiful color combination . Also it present a very good looking to the Black white French Bulldog.

Other Features: Normally A French Bulldog has a unique body type due to their smaller size compared to other dogs, upright ears, and short, smooth coat. Their nose and head shape are different from other dogs , they have a flat, pushed-in nose and a square-shaped head.

Black and White French Bulldog - all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost Black and White Frenchie

Black and White French Bulldog DNA

We do not have any information about Black and White French Bulldog’s DNA . When we will get any information , we will update quickly.

How popular are Black and White French Bulldog ?

Black and White French Bulldog are very popular in USA , UK, Canada as well hole world. The pet owner who want the unique color combination and easy maintenance, and good adaptability of pet . They always want this type of bulldog.

Breeders are also trying to produce this type of bulldog.

Is Black and White French Bulldog recognized by American Kennel Club (AKC)?

As per information, Black and White French Bulldog is recognized by AKC.

But AKC is not recognized to old Black and White French Bulldog , both are look like same but old Black and White French Bulldog are leaner, taller, and more athletic and more healthy than Black and White French Bulldog.

Black and White French Bulldog body Structure , size, height, and weight

Black and White French Bulldogs are like a normal French Bulldog.

I am giving the details of body structure in below –

  • Size: Black and White French Bulldog are not a very small – weight between 55 to 110 pounds and height less than 15 to 25 inches tall at the shoulders.
  • Body : Black and White French Bulldog has a lovely, compact, good-looking, muscular, well-balanced body.
  • Head: Their Head is flat and rounded, The muzzle is short type and broad, and flat-faced nose. The nostrils are large and open, and the nose is black.
  • The upper Jaw size is lower than the lower jaw.
  • Neck: Black and White French Bulldog‘s necks are very short type, thick and muscular, blending smoothly into the shoulders.
  • Chest and Body: Black and White French Bulldog‘s body is very well balanced, and it has deep chest that is relatively broad, it has broad shoulders.
  • Legs: broad shoulders‘s leg is not different from others French Bulldogs , It has short and straight legs . It is looking very fine.
  • Tail: broad shoulders‘s tail are generally short and straight. But in a few cases it observes a slight curve.

Black and White French Bulldog full grown

The famous bulldog Black and White French Bulldog got the full maturity around 7-8 month. And after 3 months it got the high grown rate.

Black and White French Bulldog‘s common health issue

Due to their distinct physical traits and genetic makeup, Black and White French Bulldog, like other French Bulldogs, can be prone to specific health problems. The following are some typical health conditions that Pied French Bulldogs may experience:

Breathing problems: Their short snouts and flat faces result in a disease called brachycephalic syndrome. In warmer weather, in particular, it can cause breathing problems, snoring, and overheating.

respiratory issues : Due of their flat features and small nostrils, Platinum French Bulldogs are susceptible to respiratory issues that make it difficult for them to breathe correctly.

Heat Sensitivity: Because of their small muzzles, they may find it challenging to adequately control their body temperature, making them vulnerable to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Skin infection issue : Skin fold dermatitis and infections can result from the folds and wrinkles on people’s faces trapping moisture and dirt.

Vision Issues: Platinum Due of their large eyes, French Bulldogs may be more susceptible to eye conditions like cherry eye (a prolapsed third eyelid gland) and corneal ulcers.

Allergies: Skin irritation, itching, and discomfort can result from allergies to foods, the environment, or other substances.

Digestive Issues: This breed might also be prone to gastrointestinal problems include flatulence, sensitive stomachs, and food allergies.

Dental Problems: Because of their packed teeth, they may develop dental issues like gum disease and tooth rot.

Reproductive Difficulties: Many French Bulldogs, notably Platinum varieties, may need assistance during mating and delivery due to their small stature and distinctive body structure. In this breed, caesarean sections are frequent.

Black and White French Bulldog‘s food and diet

Black and White French Bulldog‘s enjoy a high-quality, largely meat-based diet. They need good nutritious food that is strong in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Your veterinarian may suggest specific brands of dog food for your Black and White French Bulldog because to the possibility that these pets have some food sensitivities.

Black and White French Bulldog - all Information, price, for sale, DNA, cost Black and White Frenchie

Is Black and White French Bulldog rare?

Black and White French Bulldogs are high demand in the market of hole world as well as USA. But normally Black and White French Bulldog are available in market, and cost is not very high. So we can not say it is a rare type of dog.

Black and White French Bulldog personality

Black and White French Bulldogs have very good personality . I am given one by one in below –

  • Normally Black and White French Bulldog‘s does not have any bad remarks.
  • Black and White French Bulldog are very lazy.
  • They wants to stay with owner always.
  • Black and White French Bulldog agrassive with other pets, but do not wory by proper training and socialization it can be corrected.
  • Black and White French Bulldogs like to children, they easily adapted with children and other pet as well as.

Black and White French Bulldog Price

Black and White French Bulldog is one of the most famous and hig demand dogs in the world. It’s size is medium , but it’s price is not very high. Depending on the color and size the price may be vary .

The price of the Black and White French Bulldog is start from $2000 onwards.

Black and White French Bulldog for sale

It is not a very big issue for Black and White French Bulldog sale, in the Internet multiple trusted websites are present. I am giving some websites below.


Black and White French Bulldogs make a easy family pet ?

The answer is Yes. Black and White French Bulldog can make a easy family pet. They love to children . These dogs are usually good with children and other pets, displaying a gentle and patient attitude. They quickly adapt with any situations .

Are Black and White French Bulldog easy to training?

Hi, friends do not worry. It’s little bit challenging . The need to use special care and poliy to for training purpose. Normally you hage to work as per his mood.

They need around 10-14 weeks training period for socialized with other people and pets.

Pied French bulldog Puppies, for sale, DNA, Cost Pied Frenchies

Black and White French Bulldog exercise requirment

The exercise requirements of a Black and White French Bulldog, like any other French Bulldog, are relatively moderate compared to some more active breeds. These dogs should not required huge exercise requirement. Here’s what you can expect in terms of exercise for a Black and White French Bulldog

  • Short Walks: A daily walk of around 15-20 minutes should enough for most Here’s what you can expect in terms of exercise for a Black and White French Bulldog.
  • They enjoy leisurely strolls and should not go for long run. At the time of waking , you should use a retractable dog leash . It important for this dogs. They can walk freely.
  • All the pet woner know that several municipalities and counties have zoning regulations that forbid the construction of physical fences. Do not worry if this is your circumstance. Installing a wireless dog fence is a terrific alternative that will also protect your adorable puppies.
  • Playtime: Engage in short, indoor play sessions. They enjoy chasing toys or playing tug of war. Be cautious of overexertion due to their short snouts, which can make breathing more challenging.
  • Mental Stimulation: Mental exercise is as important as physical exercise for these dogs. Use puzzle toys or interactive games to keep their minds engaged.
  • Avoid Heat and Overexertion: Due to their brachycephalic (short-snouted) nature, They enjoy leisurely strolls and are not typically suited for long, strenuous hikes or runs are more prone to overheating and breathing difficulties. Exercise them during cooler parts of the day and avoid intense activities in hot weather.
  • Swimming: Some French Bulldogs enjoy swimming, which can be a low-impact exercise. However, not all of them are natural swimmers, so introduce them to water cautiously.
  • Socialization: While not exactly exercise, social interaction is essential. Allow them to interact with other dogs and people, as this helps with their mental and emotional well-being.
  • Monitor Signs of Fatigue: Pay attention to signs of fatigue or breathing difficulties during exercise. If your Black and White French Bulldog seems excessively tired or struggles to breathe, it’s important to stop the activity and allow them to rest.

Black and White French Bulldog  grooming and cleaning

Black and White French Bulldog are relatively simple to maintain due of their small size than other dogs. I am giving one by one that you need to maintain.

  1. Brushing: Brush your French Bulldog’s coat at least once a week to remove loose hair and prevent matting. If you use daily , it will be more effective. But always use a soft bristle brush or a rubber grooming mitt. Be gentle, as their skin can be sensitive.
  2. Bathing: For Black and White French Bulldog try for bath one time every month. Try to use a mild dog shampoo that is suitable for their skin type.But be careful do not give more presuer, as it can strip the natural oils from their coat.
  3. Ears: Check their ears regularly for dirt, wax, or signs of infection. Clean the outer ear using a damp cotton ball, but avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.
  4. Eyes: Tear Spot is a common issue of dogs. Try to clean around their eyes with a damp cloth to prevent tear staining. If the spot is a persistent continus, then it is a issue, consult your vet for advice.
  5. Nails: Trim their nails every few weeks to prevent overgrowth, which can cause discomfort or affect their gait. Use a dog nail clipper and be careful not to cut into the quick (blood vessel).
  6. Teeth: Brush their teeth daily basis using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Dental hygiene is crucial to prevent dental issues as French Bulldogs are prone to dental problems.
  7. Wrinkles and Folds: French Bulldogs have adorable facial wrinkles, but these areas need attention. Clean and dry the skin folds carefully, as moisture can lead to skin irritations or infections.
  8. Coat Care: To maintain your dog’s coat soft and shiny after a bath, use a canine-specific conditioner. Abstain from using strong chemicals that could irritate their skin.
  9. Drying: Dry your Frenchie completely after baths or rainy walks. Their thin coat provides little protection, and moisture can cause skin problems.
  10. Professional Grooming: While Frenchies have relatively low grooming needs compared to some other breeds, consider occasional visits to a professional groomer. They can trim nails, clean ears, and give your Frenchie a thorough coat cleaning.

Black and White French Bulldog life Span

Black and White French Bulldog‘s life span is like other normal French bulldog. Black and White French Bulldog life span is 10-12 years.

What is a Teacup Blue French Bulldog?

A Teacup Blue French Bulldog is a very small-sized version of the Blue French Bulldog breed. It’s often bred to be significantly smaller than the standard size, resembling the concept of “teacup” dogs, which are miniature versions of their respective breeds. The term “teacup” is not recognized by major kennel clubs and can be controversial due to potential health concerns associated with breeding dogs to be extremely small.

2. Are Teacup Blue French Bulldogs a recognized breed?

No, Teacup Blue French Bulldogs are not a recognized breed by major kennel clubs such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) or the United Kennel Club (UKC). They are typically the result of breeding practices that prioritize size over the breed’s health and well-being.

3. What is the size of a Teacup Blue French Bulldog?

Teacup Blue French Bulldogs are bred to be much smaller than the standard French Bulldog. However, there is no standardized size for them, as they are not recognized by reputable kennel clubs. Their size can vary widely, but they are often much smaller than the typical French Bulldog, which stands around 11-12 inches tall and weighs 16-28 pounds.

4. What are the potential health issues associated with Teacup Blue French Bulldogs?

Breeding dogs to be extremely small can lead to a range of serious health problems. Teacup dogs, including Teacup Blue French Bulldogs, are more prone to issues like respiratory problems, heart conditions, digestive disorders, bone and joint issues, and a shortened lifespan. The breeding practices that produce very small dogs often involve unethical methods that prioritize appearance over the dog’s well-being

5. Are Teacup Blue French Bulldogs suitable as pets?

Due to their potential health issues and the ethical concerns surrounding their breeding, Teacup Blue French Bulldogs may not make the best pets. Adopting a responsibly bred standard-sized Blue French Bulldog from a reputable breeder or considering adoption from a shelter could be a better choice for those looking for a loving companion.

Q6: Are pied French Bulldogs good companions?

Yes, pied French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. They make excellent indoor companions due to their low energy levels and love for human interaction.

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