Who is Sunil Kanugolu? age, education, birth, hight, weight, wife, family, Networth

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Who is Sunil Kanugolu? age, education, birth, hight, weight, wife, family, Networth

Sunil Kanugolu, is a very famous name in India politics . Sunil Kanugolu is a famous Election Strategist , As per senior journalists of India the Congress party won the Karnataka Election with help of Sunil Kanugolu’s brain .

Sunil Kanugolu help to Congress Party to win the Election of Karnataka.

As per news Congress party select to Sunil Kanugolu for the chief election strategist post. And Congress party has been follow the advice of Sunil Kanugolu, and they got the massive success .

Who is Sunil Kanugolu

Sunil Kanugolu is famous Election Strategist of India , He has got so many success as a Election Strategist. 40 years Sunil Kanugolu saying in karnataka , and he is work with so many Indian politician , and given success to many political party . Sunil Kanugolu work with Famous Election Strategist Prshant Kishor .

Who is Sunil Kanugolu? age, education, birth, hight, weight, wife, family, Networth

Sunil Kanugolu’s Success

In this 40 years old Sunil Kanugolu got many numbers of success .

like –

In year 2014 work as Narendra Modi’s Election Strategist

In year 2017, Uttar Pradesh Election , Election Strategist, for BJP party

Tamil Nadu Election , work with AIDMk Party as a Election Strategist

Tamil Nadu Election , work with DMk Party as a Election Strategist

Panjab Election , work with Akali Dal as a Election Strategist

Uttarpradesh Election , work with BJP as a Election Strategist

Himachal Pradesh Election , work with BJP as a Election Strategist

Gujrat Election , work with BJP as a Election Strategist

Sunil Kanugolu date of birth

we did not get any news for date of birth Sunil Kanugolu .

Sunil Kanugolu Height, weight ?

We did not get any information about this.

Sunil Kanugolu age

Sunil Kanugolu is 40 years old.

Sunil Kanugolu birth place

Sunil Kanugolu born in Karnataka, but his childhood and education completed in Chennai.

Sunil Kanugolu Education

Sunil Kanugolu’s middle school education was in Chennai .

Sunil Kanugolu’s native place

Sunil Kanugolu born in Karnataka, But in early childhood his family shifted to Chennai.

But Now Sunil Kanugolu is staying in Bangalore, Karnataka .

Sunil Kanugolu – where he is staying ?

Sunil Kanugolu in Karnataka

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